Troy Warriors advocated for return to high school sports at rally on Friday Jan. 15

January 14, 2021

Troy Warrior athletes and coaches joined the efforts of Let Them Play CA a group on Facebook advocating for a return to safely playing youth and high school sports in California.

The group is encouraging coordinated rallies across the state on Friday, January 15 at 4:00 PM to call attention to the movement. Troy Baseball Boosters is inviting all players, parents, siblings, etc. to participate. Bring your signs and masks and chant loudly. All sports and all ages are welcome, wear your jerseys/school colors and show your team pride.

This is intended to be a peaceful rally and all participants should wear their masks and maintain physical distance. Meet in front of the school near the marquee sign on Dorothy. Please stay on the sidewalk, out of the street, off school property, and wear your mask at all times.

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